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Mei's Golden Bikini Armor Dehya (Half Nude) 

Upload: 19 Feb 2024, 20:41
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Mei's Golden Bikini Armor Dehya (Half Nude)

Credits for the original model and textures go to LewdLad.

Recolor, retextures, hairstyles, face edits etc done by me.


Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day! 

I hope you've spent Valentine's with your loved ones (2D waifus count) or getting fat consuming your favorite snacks just like me! uwu

Here's another part of our lovely Golden Bikini Dehya! I'mg lad you guys enjoyed the last release, I always look forward to seeing nice comments and screenshots on our Dsicord server, they make me so happy and also keep me motivated! <3


Please make sure to drop the "BufferValues" folder into the "Mods" folder as well - this fixes the outlines and yellow reflections.

Press H key to toggle through hairstyles.

Uses 'ORFix' to fix reflections and outlines. Download from

And place in your 3DM genshin ./mods/buffervalues/ folder

Instructions @

Kazuha Lifeguard Full 22 MB

Kazuha Lifeguard Full

18 Apr 2024
1 280

More Kazuha Lifeguard mods! This time with a toggle through several variation, until he fully shows off his surprisingly rippling body! The lad is in top form - as you'd need to be to leap as high as he does on a regular basis.

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