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Reverse Bunny Navia MegaBodyToggle 

Upload: 24 Feb 2024, 14:23
Created by: Lewd_Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Reverse Bunny Navia MegaBodyToggle

Although I put out a Reverse Bunny Maid Megatoggle recently - there were a bunch of errors with it... so I was going to republish it, but I also thought - it'd be nice to have upper/body size toggles. Unfortunately, doing so means I have to remove other options - but I think this provides better value for users - now you can have a heavy bottom (or top heavy) Bunny Navia! Also this complements the similar Bunny Navia MegaBodyToggle well by providing a far more exposed Navia - so lewd enjoyers can have their mods too!

Sorry for Maid Exposed lovers, but this feels like an overall win for Navia fans!



Press '8' to toggle Breast Size

Press '9' to toggle Ass/Thigh Size

Press '0' to toggle Pubic Hair

Press 'Alt+0' to toggle Pubic Hair


Press '6' or toggle wristbands and stockings

Press '7' or toggle Tail Position

Press 'Y' or toggle Nipple Pastie

Press 'H' or toggle Dress

Press 'N' or toggle Pussy Pastie

Press '=' to Quick Switch to 'Dressed'

Uses 'ORFix' to fix reflections and outlines. Download from

And place in your 3DM genshin ./mods/buffervalues/ folder

Instructions @

Jean Lady of the Night 58 MB

Jean Lady of the Night NSFW

18 Jul 2023
1 405

Tried recreating one of Jean's outfits from Klee Prank Adventure. The creator of the game and designer of the outfit is PinkMochiDango. Im never making heels from scratch ever again.

Jean is Cloud Retainer

Jean is Cloud Retainer NSFW

01 Aug 2023
2 866

A mod for Jean with alternation between two or three bodies, in this mod she is a simple appearance of the cloud retainer made from Shenhe's body and some other small parts of other characters, why Jean?

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