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Verdict Into Clorinde Reversible 

Upload: 08 Jul 2024, 15:42
Created by: Lewd Lad
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Verdict Into Clorinde Reversible
  • Modelled, Designed, Textured by LewdLad


Disclaimer: The character (Clorinde) depicted in these pictures and mod fully consents to her use as a weapon mod. See her ecstatic facial expression to see how excited she is about it!

This very horny and silly weapon mod came about by accident - messing around with Clorinde in Blender, I rotated her legs a bit too far and put her into an unusually flexible pose. One thing led to another and I made a joke about a Clorinde Lollipop. Our resident Sharkcat, Never suggested that we turn this into a weapon, and here it is - the best Genshin weapon mod of all time*.

*According to some

As Navia's Faithful companion, Clorinde serves as her sword, shield and axe.

This weapon is currently over Navia's 5* weapon - Verdict, but let us know what other weapons you want her on, and I'll get Never to do a few hash swaps and we'll post those up later in a day or two. We'll do 3-5 of them depending on the responses below!


  • Press '\' to toggle between back and forward facing.

Kazuha Lifeguard Full 22 MB

Kazuha Lifeguard Full

18 Apr 2024
1 262

More Kazuha Lifeguard mods! This time with a toggle through several variation, until he fully shows off his surprisingly rippling body! The lad is in top form - as you'd need to be to leap as high as he does on a regular basis.

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