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Playable Boss Raiden Shogun Outfit v1.3.1  

Upload: 07 Jun 2023, 21:50
Created by: Moonling [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Playable Boss Raiden Shogun Outfit v1.3.1

Replaces the Raiden Shogun with the Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto boss model.
There's a couple other mods that add a similar thing but i found they have issues with weights and outlines
additionally they've mirrored the model so the armor is on the wrong side and the ribbons coming off her back are missing

Toggle option with the " . " (period) key.

nhokvip - Boss Shogun Fix
leotorrez - Burst Toggle Code

! Requires GIMI !
Extract the zip and put the folder in your "Mods" in your 3dmigoto folder

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