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[Beidou]Yorha Type A2 Reincarnation  

Upload: 10 Jun 2023, 21:48
Created by: metalon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[Beidou]Yorha Type A2 Reincarnation

I had a mod of A2 for Eula and Beidou... The latter one being really really crappy model. So I took it upon myself to craft this for Beidou again. Used the Reincarnation mesh and textures but altered the skin. Used the animated face. Recolored eyes. Hair was kinda tricky. It's actually Aponia's hair I saw by chance. Very similar but is fitting. Face to hair size is kinda off... maybe. No. I've looked at it for so long I cant discern.

- You like my mods? I am open to commissions! Support is much appreciated, m'dudes!

- If you're using this mod, click "subscribe" so you get the updates on this submission. I often post variations and improvements.

-for mod installation:

1. download and open the desired archive with or other archive app
2. drag and drop the mod/merged mod folder into the 3DMigoto\mods folder
3. Press F10 in game while 3DMigoto is also loaded
4. ???

Yelan Tactical Bunny Mod 24 MB Exclusive

Yelan Tactical Bunny Mod NSFW

15 Nov 2023
4 737

Fulfilling a Patron request today between Furina mods, here's one where Yelan has Lynette's nude harness outfit, but without the extra gloves/boots/pauldrons. I took a bit of time to customize the cat logo too, turning it into a bunny logo - pretty happy with that touch! ;)

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