Haru Nude Body and Outfit v1.4
Snowbreak is a live service game. Any update to the game may break the mod or even the game.
Using mods might result in account suspension or permanent ban. Use it at your own risk.
Due to complete texture overhaul to the game with 1.4 patch, the mod visually may not look exactly like in the screenshots.
This mod includes nude body modification and bikini outfit for 5* Haru (Absconditus). Her sword is also redesigned.
Install only the one version you want to use. Enjoy!
- Sword textures are somewhat broken during victory animation.
- Expect some clipping on main menu because she is thiccer.
Designs, modeling and texturing made by me.
I post my mods only on this website so if you have any issues or suggestions post them here.
Create a folder named "~mods" inside of this directory "...\SnowbreakContainmentZone\data\game\Game\Content\Paks"
Place ".pak" file inside of "~mods" folder.