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KOFXV Luong Costume Collection  

Upload: 10 Nov 2024, 15:41
Created by: fatboyzz [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
KOFXV Luong Costume Collection

# KOFXV Luong Costume Collection Mod by fatboyzz

## Installation

- Download and Extract ".7z" file.

- Mod file name ending "_Ver_xx_P", "xx" represents the mod version.

- Copy ".pak" and ".sig" to "KOFXV\Content\Paks\~Mods".

## Costume : Nude

- File : NudeLuong_by_fatboyzz_Ver_xx_P.7z

- Slot 1 (White Skin, Purple Hair)

- Slot 2 (White Skin, Black Hair)

- Slot 3 (White Skin, Red Hair)

- Slot 4 (White Skin, Gold Hair)

- Slot 5 (Dark Skin, Purple Hair)

- Slot 6 (Dark Skin, Black Hair)

- Slot 7 (Dark Skin, Red Hair)

- Slot 8 (Dark Skin, Gold Hair)

- Strange tiny shadow area around mouth corner during climax.

Ryo NSFW 85 MB


14 Nov 2024

Not sure why Ryo left on his arm and ankle bands and not his belt which I'd normally have left on for a nsfw mod but that's where things are. In the P4 color slot.

Sylvie Bikini 84 MB

Sylvie Bikini

14 Nov 2024

Been away for a while and decided I should make something for a new character just because. I started making UI images but then got too lazy to finish the ones other than P1 but the mod uses all 8 color slots with colors that match up with the original costume.

Krohnen Nude 325.0MB

Krohnen Nude

13 Apr 2023
1 204

Been fighting a bit with clothing physics so just going to release this version now and will add the other versions and improvements to this one eventually. Because of the separate mesh pieces for his special moves, this doesn't fully work with the No Mirror Mod.

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