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New Crew  

Upload: 31 Aug 2022, 21:37
Created by: Captain [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
New Crew

Requires Skin Wardrobe

- New Crew members just arrived! Ninja, Soldier and Assassin girl joined the ranks!
- Together with The Captain they are ready to save The Adranos Island!
- Finally each member of your crew can look different!
- It gets much easier to recognize your friends from distance.
- To switch between player skins, you have to have The Wardrobe Mode active (link below).
- The Wardrobe is present in Submarine, but you can also build it in your drillship once you have one.

Drillship T3 Turret Modules 16 MB

Drillship T3 Turret Modules

31 Aug 2022

Since the COG attacks are constant and relentless, new defensive measures must come to place. The mod contains three new T3 turret modules, to help defend your Drillship and all precious cargo it carries.



31 Aug 2022

- Revolver got a brand new alternative! - This new side arm is always ready when everything else fails, and you got to defend your self.

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