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AdminEngine v2.1  

Upload: 17 Feb 2024, 18:36
Created by: cw0 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
AdminEngine v2.1

AdminEngine is a one-stop-shop mod for adding admin spawn/edit commands to your Palworld playthrough. Spawn items, Mutate Pals, Pickup far away objects, Teleport and more! This mod is dual-homed and can be installed both client-side and server-side depending on your use cases.

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Please join our discord for the more up-to-date announcements, commands, and access to our help-desk

Manual Install

Step 1: Download the latest

Step 2: Unzip the UE4SS zip into either your Win64 or WinGDK folders (steam vs xbox)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64


Step 3: Set bUseUObjectArrayCache = false in your UE4SS-settings.ini

bUseUObjectArrayCache = false

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini


Step 4: Delete xinput1_3.dll if it exists

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\xinput1_3.dll


Step 5: Download the latest and unzip it to your Mods folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\AdminEngine


Step 6: Verify that your path is correct

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods\AdminEngine\scripts\config.lua



How to send commands:

  • Option 1: Send commands via chat
  • Option 2: Press F5 to open a stealth command prompt (does not support !mutate or !time on dedicated)
  • Option 3: Rapidly crouch 5 times to get a stealth command prompt (does not support !mutate or !time on dedicated)

Item Spawning ( !give )

[Client-Side Mod Install Required for All Game Modes]

This feature utilizes a piece of vulnerable code in Palworld, please respect the rules of any dedicated servers that you play on. Server admins, please install an Anti-Cheat such as PalGuard to prevent exploitation of this vulnerability on your servers.



  • You may not spawn Eggs, Effigys, or Ancient Technology Points


  • !give <item_id>[:quantity] ...


  • !give Money
  • !give AssaultRifle_Default5
  • !give Salad:30
  • !give Stone:10 Wood:10 Pal_crystal_S:1

Custom Commands:

  • !give techpoint:30  (credit to @DecioLuvier)
  • !give exp:9999  (credit to  MaJoRx0)

Example Super Kit:

  • !give StealArmor_5 StealHelmet_5 Shield_04 AssaultRifle_Default5 AssaultRifleBullet:750 PumpActionShotgun_5 ShotgunBullet:500 HandGun_Default_5 HandgunBullet:500 Launcher_Default_5 ExplosiveBullet:20 Money:1000000 PalSphere_Legend:1000 Pickaxe_Tier_02 Axe_Tier_02 Accessory_CoolResist_3 Accessory_HeatResist_3

Pal Mutation ( !mutate )

[Client-Side Mod Install Required for Singleplayer, Co-Op]
[Server-Side Mod Install Required for Dedicated]

Host Requirement (must satisfy one)

  • You must be in single player
  • You must be the host of a Co-Op
  • You must be an admin on a dedicated server and the server owner must have installed a copy of this mod on their server


  • Load a Pal to edit/sacrifice into the first slot of your PalBox
  • Execute commands via chat from the command list below to alter your Pal


Command List

  • !mutate character:<characterId>!mutate gender:<m|f>!mutate level:<1-50>!mutate perfect (shortcut 100 ivs, full stars, full souls, all moves)!mutate stars:<0:4>!mutate ranks:10 (this is a shorthand version)!mutate rankhp:<1-10>!mutate rankattack:<1-10>!mutate rankdefense:<1-10>!mutate rankcraft:<1-10>!mutate ivs:100 (this is a shorthand version)!mutate ivhp:<0-100>!mutate ivattack:<0-100>!mutate ivdefense:<0-100>!mutate rare:<true|false>!mutate health:500!mutate food:500!mutate sanity:10!mutate xp:1000 (resets counter, does not level)!mutate pass:empty (removes all passive skills)!mutate pass:<pass_skill_key> (toggles a passive skill)!mutate skill:empty (removes all skills)!mutate skill:<1-150> (toggles a skill)!mutate allskills (will give every available skill)

Example: I am starting with a Teafant but want to turn it into a Lv50 Lucky Frostallion Noct with perfect stats and some combat passive skills.

1. Set Pal to Frost. Noct =>!mutate character:IceHorse_Dark

    • 2. Set the level to 50 =>
    • !mutate level:50

    • 4. Max out Stars =>
    • !mutate stars:4

    • 5. Max out Souls =>


    • !mutate ranks:10

    • 6. Max out the IVs =>


    • !mutate ivs:100

    • 7. Make it Shiny =>
    • !mutate rare:true

    • 6. Remove existing passives =>


    • !mutate pass:empty

    • 7. Add Musclehead =>


    • !mutate pass:Noukin

    • 8. Add Ferocious =>
    • !mutate pass:PAL_ALLAttack_up2

    • 9. Add Lord Underwrld =>
    • !mutate pass:ElementBoost_Dark_2_PAL
    • 10. Add Legend =>
    • !mutate pass:Legend
    • 11. Add Dark Laser =>
    • !mutate skill:90
    • 12. Add Psycho Gravity =>
    • !mutate skill:93
    • 13. Add Dark Whisp =>
    • !mutate skill:113
    • Command Chain Version

!mutate character:IceHorse_Dark level:50 stars:4 ranks:10 ivs:100 rare:true pass:empty pass:Noukin pass:PAL_ALLAttack_up2 pass:ElementBoost_Dark_2_PAL pass:Legend skill:90 skill:93 skill:113

  • You need to manually equip learned attack skills/moves, the commands are like eating skill fruit

Known Bugs:

  • Sometimes you may spawn a skill named "ACTION_SKILL_None" that will not be able to be removed, Do NOT equip it.
  • Health does not always translate when raising IVs, for now spawn Pals at level 1 and let them naturally level to get absolute monsters
  • Work Suitability's are persisting from the previous Pal, customization coming in a later update
Pal Analyzer v0.72 48KB

Pal Analyzer v0.72

17 Feb 2024

Displays details and stats about wild pals just by hovering your cursor over them. You'll unlock more stats as you go, making the discovery feel balanced and fair (configuration options available).

Pal CharacterTransfer v1.3.2 12.2MB

Pal CharacterTransfer v1.3.2

17 Feb 2024

This script transfers character between worlds in Palworld, which allows friends to transfer their characters to each other's server without losing one's progress. Works for both windows and linux save files but the script only runs on windows.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.