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Skill Recovery Journal  

Upload: 10 Aug 2022, 10:29
Created by: Chuckleberry Finn [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Skill Recovery Journal
Lore-friendly(ish) solution to the loss of a character.

Do I need to start a new game? No.

Is it safe to remove this mod mid-play? Yes. However, removing it will delete the journals held and any progress stored in them; Players will have to re-craft them.

Where do I find the journals? You craft them. The recipe can be found under "bind journal".

How do I use the journal? You will see the option to "transcribe journal" when you have a writing tool and bound journal (that is unclaimed or you've written in before.) Trying to transcribe or read another person's journal in MP will not let you.

How does it work? The journals save skill's respective XP - ignoring profession/trait starter levels. There is also a sandbox option to lower return percentage (default is 100%). In-progress skill levels are not transcribed.

Are these journals one time use? No, you are expected to keep using the same journal and updating it over time.

Are recipes saved? Yes, except for profession/trait gained (just like skill levels).

Warning: Journals have to be manually updated using a pen or pencil. You can check the tool-tip for XP and recipes. Careful if you die holding your journal as it may be difficult to retrieve it from your moving corpse or it could be stolen/destroyed by other players.

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