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Waifu Zombie  

Upload: 25 Aug 2022, 13:45
Created by: Fruit milk [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Waifu Zombie

Don't be afraid, they are only here to find food. . .

This mod replaces female zombies in the game with waifu! The voices of the female zombies are replaced, they are zombified, their clothes are torn and covered in blood, they whimper and lament.

Currently there are 8 models, more will be added later! Most models are from booth.
Full coverage of 14 voices in the game, but still sounds a bit repetitive, so the voices are optional.

Male zombies are not affected, female zombies do not generate other costumes.
conflict with sound mod If you are not using sound you can ignore it.

Possible problems
Due to the high-fidelity model, there may be stuttering when there are a lot of zombies.

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The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. love2dgame
    love2dgame [Users]
    24 November 2023 10:27

    Very Cool, really want more.