Arithmechick's Screams of Pain
Causes your character to scream out loud when they're in extreme pain.
The character also has a chance of audibly wincing in pain when an injury occurs. The loudness and sound radius are affected by the severity of the injury (This feature can be adjusted or disabled entirely in the sandbox settings).
On top of adding immersion, this mod is incredibly useful for letting you know when your character gets injured (i.e. scratched by a tree branch). If you're bad at keeping an eye on your moodles like I am, this mod is a must-have.
Sandbox Options
- Character's pain threshold
- Noise radius
- Enable/disable zombie attraction
- Enable/disable screaming caused by the player being on fire
Mod Options
- Enable/disable speech text above character's head
Compatible with versions of PZ up to 41.77
The minimum comment length is 10 characters.