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Alternative Crosshair  

Upload: 06 Jul 2022, 16:49
Created by: black tea za webel uwu [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Alternative Crosshair
One and only Combat Awareness Tool (Btea)

The first proper crosshair mod for Project Zomboid that displays all kind of accuracy multiplier in intuitive manner.
Yes, I know Btea is suppose to be "Beta".


  • Reactive Crosshair with Options
    Generic, Quake, Dot, IsoCursor A, B total 5 Options are availble.
  • Separated Melee Mode and Firearm Mode.
    Not all weapon is the same. Use the best method that fits for you.
  • Reactive Current Ammo Counter
    You can choose between 3 font variation.
  • Overrides Existing ISOCursor Aiming Sprite
    This is not drawing over existing crosshair. This will replace vanilla crosshair.
  • Configurable with ModOption
    Find your best settings with the Mod Option Support.
  • Accurate Melee Direction Display (Soft-Lock Cursor Radius for Melee Weapon)


  • For Brita/Gunfighter Users, Turn off movement gauge option to utilize this mod.
  • Currently, there is no Mod Option. Just like "Alternative Inventory" mod, The mod option will be implemented later.
    If you need something to be optional or want something to be changed. Please leave feedback into comment section or discussion.
  • You may ask technical details in the Project Zomboid's #modding section.
  • I have no plan to make "OwO" crosshair. Do not ask for it.
  • Restart is required.
Map Legend UI

Map Legend UI

11 Aug 2022
1 739

Liking the new map feature, but still don't remember what all the building colors stand for? Suffer no longer. This mod adds a legend from old town maps to in-game world map.

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