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Left Click Redux - Click To Act  

Upload: 24 Jul 2022, 08:13
Created by: Notloc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Left Click Redux - Click To Act
New 'Hold to Move' mode in Mod Options! - 'Simple'
  • Works MUCH better on stairs!
Double click is now more useful than ever!
  • Turn on/off electronics
  • Turn on/off stoves and microwaves
  • Jump through windows!
  • Drink from sinks

Left Click Redux is a control expansion mod that allows players to navigate and perform interactions by simply clicking the left mouse button!


Interacting with objects has never been simpler!
When interactable objects are clicked on, the player with automatically walk over and perform the default interaction

Currently supported interactions are:

  • Containers - Automatically opens the looting window
  • Loose Items - Picks up the item. Double click a weapon to equip it!
  • Doors - Open/Close
  • Curtains - Open/Close
  • Windows - Open/Close
  • Light switches - On/Off

More to come!


Left Click Redux also brings new movement options to the left mouse button.

Clicking on the ground will make the player walk to the square that was clicked on. A ground marker will also appear to visualise the destination.
Additionally, players have the option to click and hold left mouse button to walk around. After holding left mouse down for a moment, the player with automatically walk towards the mouse until the button is released.

Mod Options ====== Customize Your Controls!

If you wish to configure how Left Click Redux works, you may download Mod Options!
This will allow you to enable/disable entire features of the mod. This includes customizing and disabling the left click movement.

The longterm goal is to make it so that all common actions are easily available on left click and allow the game to be comfortably played with only a mouse.
(I still recommend WASD for combat with more than 1 zombie)

Insurgent Intro

Insurgent Intro

14 Aug 2023

A simple modified opening sequence meant for the Insurgent Mod by Mr Sunshine. Though it doesn't use any assets, and technically can be run without it, I highly encourage you to download their mod, first!

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