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Bedford Falls  

Upload: 13 Aug 2022, 11:06
Created by: ringod123 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bedford Falls

Welcome to Bedford Falls. This adds the fictional town of Bedford Falls to the vanilla game world.
Now V41.6+ compatible!

Works with new in-game map system.

Includes lootable map of Bedford Falls that updates the main map when read!

Mod has been tested both in single player and in multiplayer and everything works 100%
If you are having issues then it is most likely caused by another mod, incorrectly trying to add Bedford Falls to a game already in progress or by not having your map mods at the very top of your mod order.

If you are running a map pack mod and have issues with Bedford Falls then my first piece of advice will always be to uninstall the map pack and use the seperate map mods instead, as they were intended to be used.

If you are hosting a local server or standalone server then don't forget to add Bedford Falls to the Workshop tab/line and the mods tab/line and that "BedfordFalls;North;South;West" are in/on your maps tab/line and above/before any other mod, if you have map mods that are not behaving correctly a likely reason in your map mods are not at the front/top of your mod and workshop lists!

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