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'69 Chevrolet Camaro  

Upload: 02 Jul 2023, 12:14
Created by: KI5 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
'69 Chevrolet Camaro

Even more muscle car action in Kentucky! This time it's the Chevy Camaro! 2 chassis variants with their own distinctive features! Camaro has a full set of armor and many parts to customize it. It's fast and loud, it lacks in storage and tire protection just like the other muscle cars too, so be warned and have fun! It can use Challenger and Barracuda tires also, so moving in packs of muscle cars can be an option too.

Main features:

  • 2 chassis variants with unique features, performance, handling etc (SS and SS/RS)
  • Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and windows
  • Visible interior and character (with improved exit/enter/aim animations)
  • All parts have 3d objects you can remove and place in the world
  • Extra parts to find in the world to make the vehicle truly yours (bumpers, bullbars, armor plates, spoilers, tires etc)
  • Many texture variations
  • Armor protection for windows, doors, engine etc
  • B41.78+ Single Player / Multiplayer Compatible
  • You can use it in your current save game, just enable the mod in the load menu
  • It can tow and be towed
  • Not recolorable

If you can't wait to find this mod in your game and want to test it right away, use bikinitools to spawn it, hide the items that your character holds while in vehicle, or for all other good stuff that mod has, go get it!

If you like my mods, please consider supporting me with a coffee,
so I don't fall asleep while making new mods and supporting old ones :)

'86 Ford Econoline E-150 with Mutt Cutts van 10 MB

'86 Ford Econoline E-150 with Mutt Cutts van

04 Nov 2022
1 587

Lloyd and Harry took a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky! Try to find their Mutt Cutts van or just enjoy the space and adaptability of Ford Econoline with 3 different chassis types, full craftable armor set and up to 6 seats to bring the whole crew on the road trip.

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