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'86 Ford Econoline E-150 with Mutt Cutts van  

Upload: 04 Nov 2022, 14:19
Created by: KI5 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
'86 Ford Econoline E-150 with Mutt Cutts van

Lloyd and Harry took a wrong turn and ended up in Kentucky! Try to find their Mutt Cutts van or just enjoy the space and adaptability of Ford Econoline with 3 different chassis types, full craftable armor set and up to 6 seats to bring the whole crew on the road trip. Armor is not very strong and tires are not reinforced but it may win you over with storage space and seating options.

Main features:

  • The Mutt Cutts van and The Mystery Machine variants are optional submods you can turn off and they will not spawn in the world but you can still spawn them manually (great for server events, rewards etc)
  • 3 chassis variants: Normal van, Normal van with sliding side door and Long van with sliding side door
  • Fully animated hood, trunk, doors and windows
  • Visible interior and character (with improved exit/enter/aim animations)
  • All parts have 3d objects you can remove and place in the world
  • Extra parts to find in the world to make the vehicle truly yours
  • Many texture variations
  • Detachable spare tire and almost everything else
  • Armor plates for windows and bumper protection
  • B41.73+ Single Player / Multiplayer Compatible
  • You can use it in your current save game, just enable the mod in the load menu
  • It can tow and be towed
  • Not recolorable

Things to come eventually:

  • Variant with side windows
  • Recipes for crafting fur parts
  • More pop culture goodies

If you can't wait to find this mod in your game and want to test it right away, use bikinitools to spawn it, hide the items that your character holds while in vehicle, or for all other good stuff that mod has, go get it!

If you like my mods, please consider supporting me with a coffee,
so I don't fall asleep while making new mods and supporting old ones :)

Vehicle Recycling

Vehicle Recycling

14 Aug 2022
1 650

Want to trade-in your car? There is a small problem. Auto recycling programs do not yet exist, and car dealerships are closed for technical reasons. It seems that the metal processing plants are also not working. And broken and useless cars begin to clog the space around...

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