Nepenthe's Colored Engine Status
Changes the engine indicator on car dashboards to indicate the current engine condition. Works nicely with Colored Battery Status:
With this mod:
Grey: Engine is turned off.
Green: 75%+
Yellow: 50%+
Orange: 25%+
Red: 1%+
Dark Red: 0%, completely dead.
Can this be added to an existing save?
Yes, this can be safely added and removed from existing saves.
Does this work in Multiplayer?
Untested, but it should because this is just a modification to one client LUA function
Can I include this in a modpack?
Are there known incompatibilities?
This mod hooks in to ISVehicleDashboard:prerender() and adds additional code after the function executes which means it should not cause issues with any other mods, as all original code is executed.
This mod will not work if Better Speedometers is installed, because that mod completely replaces ISVehicleDashboard:prerender() instead of hooking additional functionality in as a patch.