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Halo M12-C Hog 5 MB

Halo M12-C Hog

26 Jul 2022
1 382

Another Halo machine in Project Zomboid! This one is a bit different, it's smaller, more nimble, no armored parts or doors to save you from the zeds.

RAboi' s Customize Fjord Mustard Car Skin 86 MB

RAboi' s Customize Fjord Mustard Car Skin

26 Jul 2022
2 640

Thanks for the mod "Autotsar Tuning Atelier - Fjord Mustard" and the creator iBrRus & MrDanny, thank you so much for the mod i appreciated and this is the perfect opportunity to create so many difference skin under the Car Fjord Mustard. Again Thank You So Much !!!

Mercedes-Benz 290 GD 25 MB

Mercedes-Benz 290 GD

26 Jul 2022
1 476

The Mercedes-Benz 290 GD is a 4-wheel drive utility vehicle that has also in been military service for a select number of countries. The 290 was designed as a reliable military off-roader with it later being converted to a luxury vehicle.

80 Kawasaki Kz1000 Police 3 MB

80 Kawasaki Kz1000 Police

24 Jul 2022
1 804

Famous Kz1000 Police from 80s TV show CHiPs! It's animated, packed with features and has a lightbar, what else would you need? It's not the fastest bike but that will help you survive for longer, it has 3 storage boxes for some necessities.

Braven Bicycles

Braven Bicycles

23 Jul 2022
4 697

A bicycle is a vehicle that can offer huge benefits, at some cost, of course. The bike works just like in real life. Pedaling tires you out, but it also gives you fitness experience. Don't pedal until you're exhausted or you'll fall!

83 AM General M923 7 MB

83 AM General M923

23 Jul 2022
3 464

M923 is using the absolutely massive M939 chassis, so it's big, very big. Hillbilly got its name for the oxidised steel plates that were used to up armor it into a fortress on wheels.

Tread's Water Tank Trucks 4 MB

Tread's Water Tank Trucks

23 Jul 2022
3 909

This mod adds working water trucks and water tank trailers (and their water tank parts) to the game. It was made for 41.65 version of a game and should work both in SP and MP. Nonetheless I had limited testing capabilities so all bug reports are welcome.

RV Interior 8 MB

RV Interior

26 Jun 2022
7 728

Simulate interiors of some vehicles from Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! Each vehicle has 25 fully customizable independent spaces.

Autotsar Trailers 25 MB

Autotsar Trailers

15 Jun 2022
7 874

Do you work at a construction site and your tool no longer fits into the car? Tired of running to the store every week, do you want to stock up to the fullest? Or maybe you want to take out all the corpses from the neighboring houses further into the forest?