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Installing mods on RimWorld: …\RimWorld\Mods

Persistent Precepts  

Upload: 21 Jun 2023, 17:47
Created by: Alleykat [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Persistent Precepts

Requires Harmony

Persistent Precepts adds a simple toggle to the Ideology edit screen that prevents the re-randomization of Ideology precepts, rituals, buildings etc. when you change structure or memes.

With this mod, you can ensure that your carefully crafted Ideology remains intact, even if you go back and change structure/memes. This also means your saved ideoligions can better act as templates when you load them in.

When the toggle is on, ideology re-randomization for the player is blocked for:

  • Precepts
  • Roles
  • Rituals
  • Buildings
  • Relics
  • Weapons
  • Venerated Animals
  • Preferred Xenotypes
  • Preferred Apparel
  • Appearance (Hair, Beards, Tattoos)

Please note: The confirmation warning of re-randomizing precepts still comes up, please ignore it for now while I work out how to change the confirmation dialogue.

If you start a new game and forget to turn the toggle off, your faction's ideology will be generated without any precepts/rituals etc. This is easily fixed by flicking the toggle back off and selecting "Randomize Precepts" button. Other factions generated at world creation and as part of events are not impacted.


The mod uses harmony to patch a few methods related to player actions on the ideology edit screen and precept randomization. It touches nothing else besides adding the checkbox so should be highly compatible with other mods.

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