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[1.5.0] Total Artifact and Attachment Overhaul v11  

Upload: 23 May 2022, 14:32
Created by: Proprietary [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[1.5.0] Total Artifact and Attachment Overhaul v11

This mod makes artifacts actually useful, makes junk artifacts into real artifacts and also rebalances attachments.

Made for Anomaly 1.5 b3 update 4 hotfix 8

Used xGrenadier's values as a base for the normal artifacts and expanded upon them Artifacts Overhaul V1.04

Various features and info you should know:

  • Added new properties to Junk artifacts, rebalanced their prices and weights, made some of them require a detector now (13 out of 32 can be found without a detector).
  • Extra 3 junk artifacts (Bat, Black Stone, Atom) and 2 artifacts (Anomalous Bread, Compass) now spawn in anomalies
  • You can't put Junk artifacts into modules because they would explode™. Find -radiation artifacts to counter their +radiation, or smoke a few cigarettes.
  • Rebalanced the attachments and gave them a whole bunch of new stats.
  • Because of slav code, fire_wound_immunity(ballistic resistance) sometimes doesn't show up in game or shows up as explosive resistance, even though it works as ballistic resistance. Because of this, all fire_wound_immunity and explosive_immunity values in this mod are the same. If you see an artifact with explosive resistance or weakness on it, it also has the same value for ballistic protection, even if you don't see it in game. So don't get rid of an artifact thinking it only has explosive protection, it also protects from bullets.
  • The gray radiation icon (0-1350msv) has been removed because it kept flashing on and off from -rad and +rad items working at the same time. Invest in a geiger detector.
  • Wound healing artifacts do stop bleeding despite their wound healing numbers being lower than bandages etc. -Wound healing artifacts don't make you bleed, they only counteract +wound healing artifacts and increase your bleeding once you get hit.
  • Artifact modules' -radiation stacks with the artifacts now, making them a bit more useful. Also all of the modules and containers are 1kg now.
  • Small issues: after loading the game the artifacts + and -radiation gets a bit weird and sometimes you might start getting irradiated even though you have enough -rad to upkeep +rad stuff. Just reequip everything on your belt and that should fix it. Black stone doesn't get detected by detectors but seeing it is fairly easy. Artifacts sometimes get stuck in weird places in air or under ground in gravity anomalies, activating the anomaly or reloading the game might fix it.

Extra disclaimer: if you hide behind an exoskeleton and 5 bulletproof rocks you're a shitter.

Food Poisoning 94 KB

Food Poisoning

15 Nov 2022

Rebalances food to encourage the player to rely less on clean food and more on hunting. Adds a poisoning mechanic to breathe life in unused items.

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