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"Better Graphics" for Potatoes and with more FPS! [1.5.1] [1.5.2]  

Upload: 18 Nov 2022, 07:06
Created by: Ivaanmr11 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
"Better Graphics" for Potatoes and with more FPS! [1.5.1] [1.5.2]

Some mods to "increase" your graphics and yet drastically increase your FPS! Recommended for potatoes (Dx9)

Well, here is. Only graphic mods, with nothing else. This is my personal configuration. I think it looks pretty good. I know it is not very relevant, but this is aimed at those people who have a PC-Potato (DX9), increasing 20 or 30 fps in the best cases and best of all, everything will look much more beautiful than before!

Before continuing, I am not the author of these accessories. All credits go to their respective creators. The accessories list will be at the end.

This works in 1.5.1, which is the anomaly version I use.

Apparently also does it in the recent update 1.5.2

The screenshots are in R2 (basic DX9). If you have a low -income PC like me, you will notice a very large change graphically and without losing FPS. You will even win them, since classic textures occupy much less memory.

Regarding the R2_gloss_min, I don't know how it will be seen in DX10/11. For me, 0.7 in DX9 it is just what I want. Everything looks very humid and muddy, as if they were puddles and pleases me. However, I do not use sunny climates. In those climates, everything will look very bright with 0.7, so if you are not going to use "gloomy and rainy mode" optional, I recommend the original value of R2_Gloss_min that in Enhanced Shaders it is 0.5


1) Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading and Dynamic Time-Based Tonemap Extended. Now everything looks much more real, basically. And no, Enhanced Shaders no problems in DX9 (at least for me).
2) Classic textures (foliage, terrain and textures) Thanks to this, the increase in FPS is very considerable and everything looks much more natural and beautiful, for me.
3) OPTIONAL - Tropical climates removed, say goodbye to Farcry 3. Now the thick mist, the bleak skies And the intense storms will make the area a more humid, miserable and depressive place. If you like the gloomy and rainy weather, this is for you! No more sunny shots in the morning while you smoke weed with those of Freedom. (Own modification)

So that your game is seen as in the images, introduce these commands:

fov 90.
hud_fov 0.6
r2_gloss_factor 0.001
r2_gloss_min 0.7 If for you it is very brilliant, the original value of ES is 0.5
r__exposure 1.0
r__gamma 0.8
r__optimize_dynamic_geom 3
r__optimize_shadow_geom on
r__optimize_static_geom 3
r__saturation 2.0
rs_c_brightness 1.
rs_c_contrast 1.
rs_c_gamma 0.8


1) Folders are well ordered, I don't think it is necessary to clarify. Just be sure to erase the Appdata/Shaders_Cache shader cache.

2) If you like the cold and stormy climate, I recommend using the optional mode that is added.

Now, the mods it contains. All credits are aimed at their authors. Thank you for creating these fantastic mods!

Anomaly Sky Bloom Fix
Classic Textures
Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading
Michikos Weather Revamp Revised
DX9 Time and Weather Based Bloom and Sunshafts
Better Rain FX
Dynamic Time-based Tonemap Extended

Enjoy your "best graphics" and increase in FPS in your now PC Master Race!

Type 38 Arisaka Rifle v1.1.3 13 MB

Type 38 Arisaka Rifle v1.1.3

15 Aug 2023

The Arisaka finally arrives right in The Zone itself. The collaborative project is published by the members of the Testudo Cohort, a Modder´s Guild. The attention to the detail and professional finish is testament to the hard work and dedication of its contributors.

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