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[1.5.1] Yet Another Campfire Saving  

Upload: 23 May 2022, 15:03
Created by: Ishmaeel [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[1.5.1] Yet Another Campfire Saving

Yet Another Campfire Saving addon (with base saving, emergency saving and MCM support)

Anomaly has a campfire saving mode for players seeking an extra challenge, but the vanilla implementation has some annoying shortcomings.

There are a number of custom addons trying to address the issues with campfire saving, but they all leave something to be desired.

This is where YACS™ steps in, with faction base support and emergency save and quit feature.


  • You can save within neutral and friendly bases, as long as you are protected from emissions.
  • You can also save in the homes of certain important NPCs. Optional.
  • After five minutes of gameplay, you will be awarded a Mommy Token that allows you to save and quit.
  • Campfires need to be lit before you can save. Carry matchboxes.
  • Nearby campfire detection radius is extended, so you can save without burning your feet.
  • High compatibility. Plays nicely with vanilla campfire mode and without it.
  • New game is not needed. You can activate campfire saving on an existing "standard" game.
  • You can safely deactivate campfire saving by removing the addon from a standard game. Ya noob.
  • You can turn campfire mode on and off on the fly via MCM.

Base Saving

Vanilla campfire saving mode does not allow you to save within safe bases. When you come back home from a long day, you have to look for a campfire or a bed within the base to be able to save. YACS looks at the smart terrains list in vanilla configs and tries to determine if you are near a base location friendly to your character's faction. If you are in an enclosed base building that provides protection from emissions, you are allowed to save freely without a nearby campfire. Now you can save in Skadovsk before you unload your hard-earned loot at Owl's place.

Optional: Other factions will allow you to save in their bases as long as you have neutral or good relations with them. As a Loner, you can now save in Freedom base if you haven't pissed them off.

Sanctuary Saving

There are some powerful individuals in the Zone and even though their places of residence do not technically count as "bases", they will offer you shelter if they are not downright hostile. Offering two levels of difficulty.

Note: At the moment, there are only three such sanctuaries. You will probably not have much trouble guessing where those are. Suggestions for any additional sanctuaries will be much appreciated.

Mommy Token

Free saving feature to accommodate players with limited or irregular screen time. If you have a kid/cat/dog/rock to take care of, you are a Mommy (or a Daddy) and you should be able to switch from hardcore stalker mode to hardcore mommy mode at a moment's notice. After five minutes of gameplay, YACS awards a free Mommy Token (or a Daddy Token, configurable) which allows you to save and quit without a nearby campfire and let you attend Real Life™ issues without losing progress. Just hit Shift + F5 and go stop your kid eating from the cat's litterbox.

Emergency saving feature is also supported in Agony Mode and Timer Mode, even when campfire saving is not active.


  • 2021.10.20: Fixed Russian localization bug.
  • 2021.09.19: Added optional sanctuary saving modes.
  • 2021.07.25: Enabled emergency saving in Timer and Agony modes.
  • 2021.07.23: Added option to save in neutral bases. Added Russian localization.
  • 2021.07.21: Enabled a few more bases for saving.
  • 2021.07.19: Implemented Mommy Tokens.
  • 2021.07.18: Initial release with base support.

Special Thanks

  • BRSamael, Igigog and Xcvb for translation help.
  • DiHase for bug report.

JSRS Sound Mod 3.6 for 1.5.1 111.61mb

JSRS Sound Mod 3.6 for 1.5.1

15 May 2022
1 324

This JSRS Port completely overhauls all the gunshot sounds with new assets. New Distant Sounds. New stereo first person sounds. 8 layers of audio for each weapon. Variable sounds for each guns for more variety. New Explosion Sounds.

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