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Fluid Relations V1.0  

Upload: 23 May 2022, 16:30
Created by: Favkis_Nexerade [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Fluid Relations V1.0

Addon for dynamic relationships that removes some limitations, like stalkers and freedom/duty can't become friends.

Now all factions can change their relations with each other, but there are limits that make sense.

On example: stalkers may change their relations from bad to excellent with duty, freedom and clear sky, but can never be hostile to them.

Freedom and duty may declare a cease fire, but that will be very temporary, because their relations can't go higher than bad.

Army may declare cease fire with many factions, but will never be friendly to anyone but scientists.

And stuff like that basically.

Duty Expansion al español 18.91mb

Duty Expansion al español

15 Nov 2022

Traduccion para duty expansion, para instalar elimina el duty expansion e instala este con mo2 o extrayendo la carpeta no ocupas nueva partida, Si notas algunos dialogos erroneos, dimelo porfavor, y si quieres un mod al español puedes pedirlo :3 Creditos a GhenTuong por crear el mod

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