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Auto Helm (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2)  

Upload: 16 Nov 2022, 09:04
Created by: ravenascendant [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Auto Helm (Anomaly 1.5.1/1.5.2)

Sprinting with a helmet increases the stamina drain, sometimes significantly. This script automatically removes your helmet when you sprint and puts it back when you stop sprinting. Includes an indicator in the status hud when the helmet is removed. Probably doesn't work if you have an animation that plays when you remove/equip a helmet, IDK didn't test that i find those animations very annoying. 1.5.1/1.5.2

[DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.1 442.22mb

[DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.1

11 Nov 2022
1 134

T.H.A.P. Rework - project to rework the original The Hands/Arms Project (hud hands visuals) by ICHICROW. In the addon, about 90% of hand models has been replaced with higher-quality ones.

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