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Arszi's Dynamic Radiation Zones and Radiation Overhaul V2.1  

Upload: 19 May 2022, 16:38
Created by: meatchunk, tdef, Rezy, Tronex [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Arszi's Dynamic Radiation Zones and Radiation Overhaul V2.1

This one is the biggest modification of mine so far, updated to Anomaly 1.5.1. Since the fist STALKER game came out, I was not happy with radiation. In the game, it worked completely unrealistically. After so many years, it is time to make radiation in the Zone behave, as it should! Including, radioactive fields respond to wind power and wind direction, and different weather presets, like storm, rain and fog. IMPORTANT: READ THE DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY, BEFORE YOU START A NEW GAME! This addon modifies a LOT OF THINGS and has many settings! ESPECIALLY KEY 9!


* New, more immersive weather report system with 34 unique texts! Texts by Red Forest Cake, russian translation by HarukaSai, weather icons by Meatchunk.
* Radioactive water is reworked. Standing in radioactive water will give minor armor condition damage and gives minor radiation. The amount of Condition damage and gained radiation depends on armour radiation protection and condition.
* Water radiation scales with the maps properly now. The norther you are, the stronger the water radiation becomes. Zaton's water radiation is the double of the water radiation of the Great Marsh.
* Pressing key TAB will bring out the weather info from now on. Key 9 works still.
* Weather UI messages will scale properly now, if MAX_WIND_VELOCITY is modified.
* Radiation indicators won't be shown anymore.

* Native compatibility for Alternative Icons added. If you have my file "arszi_radiation_actor_status_override.script" from a previous installation, delete it from your gamedata/scripts folder! IMPORTANT: make sure you DO NOT DELETE the "arszi_radiation_actor_effects_override.script" one by accident!
* Compatibility patch for Beef's Shader Based NVGs v0.9 for 1.5.1 added. Installation instructions are available in the "Compatbility" section.
* Added some missing details for the read_me.txt (Also for this description page).

HOTFIX 2.0.2:
* Potential crash in connection with Dosimeter is fixed.
* Dosimeter did not tick properly always when several radiation zones overlapped. It will tick properly now.
* Wind power and weather reports were sent during Emission/Psi storms. They will be sent only when PDA has connection to the network.

HOTFIX 2.0.1:
* Radiation screen effects are toned down and responds to the current radiation level starting around ~1000 mSv. The higher the irradiation is, the stronger they will get capping at 1/3rd of the original intensity at maximal irradiation.
* Added missing russian translation by HarukaSai
* Compatibility with other addons enhanced. "actor_effects.script" and "actor_status.script" won't be used directly (They will be overridden by override script.) anymore. If you have them by my Addon from 2.0, you can delete them.


This addon INTEGRATES the following addons of mine:
Arszi's Thirst Overhaul: Aqxaromods
Arszi's Better Starting Armours: Aqxaromods
DO NOT use these addons with Radiation Overhaul, they are integrated already!

This addon is NOT COMPATIBLE with Artefact Renovation. Both addons are using different balancing. It will BREAK both my balancing and will cause other issues. Compatbility patch might come in the future.

Compatibility patch for Beef's Shader Based NVGs v0.9 for 1.5.1 is available in the folder "compatibility_beef_nvg_0_9". To install it, extract the content of this folder into your Anomaly folder, and overwrite "item_device.script".

If you use Michiko's Weather addon, set MAX_WIND_VELOCITY to 1000! This setting is required for compatibility. You can find this in gamedata/scripts/arszi_radiation.script, around the top of the file.

IMPORTANT: For the addon to work properly, you should have the gameplay difficulty option "Play radiation clicks play from the Geiger counter only" should be ENABLED!

It is not integrated, but I recommend my Campfire Roasting addon together with Radiation Overhaul highly:

Radiation Overhaul is NOT compatible with any addons, which changes starting loadouts, medicines, medical equipments, drinks. A special section will be about armour overhaul mods at the end of my description.

Special Thanks:
First, I would like to say a big thank you for meatchunk, tdef, Rezy, Tronex, for supporting me and giving me ideas during the developement of this mod. Originally, my dynamic radiation mod was just some randomly spawned radiation fields. Most of the game mechanics, like to take wind power, direction and weather into consideration was the idea of meatchunk, who actually outsourced the work for me :D Thank you man!
Further special thanks for arti and Xcvb (Provided the original russian translation), HarukaSai (Provided the updated translation) for the support! And for many others whose names I do not remember atm :D

I would like to mention the book "Midnight in Chernobyl" by Adam Higginbotham. I learned a lot about radiation and the disaster of Chernobyl from this book, which helped me big time during the developement of this mod. I really recommend this book.

Also, special thanks for the Respirator Coalition :D

And now about the mod.
My goal was, to make radiation realistic, and make it into a REAL THREAT. Unlike a minor nuisiance, as it is in the original game. My previous version of Radiation Overhaul yielded quite a difficult gameplay by default. I rebalanced everything in the new version, made it accessibble for a wider range of players by the new difficulty settings and rebalanced, smoother general progression, not to mention the new Features! If it was too difficult or unappealing before, you might have an another try!

Key Features:

1, Radiation zones
Radiation zones respond to wind power, direction and weather preset. If you have a radioactive zone on the ground, the radioactivity can be carried with the dust by the wind, which makes it several times more dangerous. Now it will be really important to know, when can you go out safely, and when you have to be extremely careful, not to receive a big dose of radiation. Also wind makes radioactive fields to expand in size.
* Radiation zone maximal power affected by wind will scale with the chosen difficulty setting.
* With default settings, the size of radioactive fields will be THREE TIMES as big, as in case of no wind.
* There are 8 directions of wind. Wind will blow the radioactive zones to the opposite direction it is blowing from. For example, wind from the direction of east will blow the radioactive field to the direction of west. Wind directions will change randomly over time.
* Radiation zones are affected by the current weather preset. In Clear, Overcast, Cloudy and Partly Clear weather, radiation zones are reacting to wind. In foggy weather, radiation zones do not move around, their position and power are not affected by the wind. In Rain and Storm, radiation zones do not move around, and their power is WEAKER by 25%.
* New radiation zones will be spawned randomly at every new game. You might have memorized where the radiation zones are from the original game, but can not expect where the new ones will appear in your current game! The closer you are to the center of the Zone, the stronger and bigger they will become. This feature can be disabled.
* Back then if you put on a top-tier gas mask, you could even swim in the cooling water tank of the reactor without getting any radiation. But bath time is over now. Radioactive water will IGNORE your gas mask.
* Film grain effect is disabled for radiation zones! The only way to know about radiation is having a functional Dosimeter! Also you will feel that you have less energy and the screen effects, if you do not have one... Dosimeter is MANDATORY now.
* With the new radioactive water system of Anomaly 1.5.1, the "Curse of Dark Valley" is gone for good.

2, Weather awareness

* By pressing key "9", you will receive information about the current weather, wind power and wind direction. Consult with this information often! It is crucial in this addon to be aware the current weather preset, wind direction and power to know where to expect radiation clouds and with what kind of intensity. On Easy difficulty it is not so crucial, but on Medium/Hard it will be important.
Because of the way weather presets work, when the weather is changing, the engine will blend the old and new weather preset together. It might cause situation, when button 9 says, it is raining, but no rain so far (but will be later, for sure). Also it is raining, but the preset switched to clear. ALWAYS BELIEVE to the information, button 9 says, not to your eyes in this case. I hope this might be solved in a later version of Anomaly.
* Warnings will be broadcasted when wind becomes too strong. Additionally, notifications will be broadcasted when the wind weakens from dangerous wind power levels. This feature can be disabled.
* A notification will be sent every time the current weather preset changes and when the player moves to a new map. This feature can be disabled.

3, Changes regarding player health and radiation sickness
Radiation poisoning won't start to drain your health like crazy anymore, it will take a new, realisting direction.

* Health loss is minimalized from radiation sickness. With maximum iradiation, the players dies in 40 in-game hours only, if it is left unattended completely.
* Irradiation will give you radiation sickness symptoms. Including, bleeding, internal bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, general feel of feeling like crap. The more irradiated you are the symptoms will be stronger, the less calories will you get from food, less thrist quenching from water, your maximal stamina will be capped, including stamina regeneration will be slower. All of these maximalizes at one third of the healthy values with maximal radiation posioning (3870 mSv).
* Radiation won't leave your body by itself anymore. it will be a new companion! Drinks, alcohol, etc will make it leave very slowly. You have to rely on medics, antirads and other medicines to get rid of it!
* Fast travelling, sleeping, saving while irradiated in Agony game mode is allowed now.

Arszi's Thirst Overhaul is integrated! (This module can be disabled.)
* Water loss while sleeping will be one third of the original value.
* The player will lose a little bit of water while he is walking.
* The player will lose water while sprinting. If you go everywhere by sprinting, you will have to drink more often!
* They player will lose water while bleeding. The more blood you lose, the more dehydratated you will become! The amount of water loss while bleeding is tied to game difficulty settings.

4, Changes regarding equipments
I reblanced game progression completely regarding radiation to make it smooter in the Zone. No more meme values. A Fully upgraded sunrise suit with GP5 mask can take you up to Red Forest or even further if you mind the weather and wind power for example!

* Suits with integrated helmet, and closed-air recycling system (NBC, SEVA, Ecolog suits, etc) will receive +15% radiation protection. This bonus WON'T SHOW in the inventory sadly. Exos and Radiation suits receive this bonus too.
* Integrated suits will be the bette suits agains radiation, but there are normal suit + mask combos which are highly viable, so id does not mean, normal suits + mask will be worthless, not at all!
* Radiation upgrades will be more important from now on. For both integrated suits and gas masks!
* Every suit/mask will have its place in the game progression now.
* Animal skins, like Chimera or flesh hide will be important against radiation. 2-3 Chimera or flesh hide can bring you quite deep into the Zone, even if you have low-medium tier armour only!
* Radiation removal is removed from purcheasable attachments.

5, Changes regarding consumables

* Drinks, cigarettes, alcohol will neutralizes a VERY SMALL amount of radiation now. Because of the new GUI system, GUI won't show these values properly. The radiation loss after consumption will be half of these values most of the time. Sadly, I can not address this issue, so keep it in mind!
* Cigarettes will boost stamina a bit to keep them viable.
* Radiation protective medicines are rebalanced. It will worth to use them above Jupiter, but in case of below-average radiational protection, they will be useful everywhere!
* Medkits and other healing items are rebalanced radiation removal-wise. The basic/orange medkit will not remove radiation anymore but it will heal bleeding.

6, Dosimeter

* In environmental radiation mode (shift + 8, included in Anomaly 1.5.1) the device will show values of +/- 10% of the actual power of the radiation zone, for better immersion. This will take weather, wind power into calculation.
* I rewrite geiger ticking completely, radiation with different power will yield different intensity of geiger ticking. A radiation zone can have patters with different intensity based on the curent weather and wind power! The player can have an estimation of power based on ticking frequency solely!
* With KEYS + and - the volume of the Dosimeter can be lowered (and muted completely) or increased up to twice the original volume!

7, Started loadouts
I gave better starter armour for some factions, and everyone will receive a respirator or gas mask based on where his/her faction starts.

* Clear sky starts with light clear sky armour.
* Duty starts with light duty armour.
* Ecologs starts with the orange ecolog suit.

IMPORTANT: Since some factions starts deep in the Zone, they will ecounter more radiation. If you are in non-story mode USE THE STORY MODE STARTING LOCATIONS PLEASE! Those locations are completely safe radiation-wise, but not tall the dynamic starting points! Try to start as far from the center of the Zone as you can!


* Arszi's Thirst Overhaul module. You can deactivate it in the file gamedata/scripts/actor_status_thirst.script. Set the line "local ARSZI_ENABLE_THIRST_FEATURES = true" to "local ARSZI_ENABLE_THIRST_FEATURES = false".

The rest of the settings can be altered in gamedata/scrips/arszi_radiation.script!
* Weather info key. To change it to a different key, you can set it with the line "local WEATHER_INFO_KEY = "DIK_9". You can find the DIK key codes in the attached file "key_codes.txt".
* Doshimeter volume UP and DOWN keys can be changed in the same manner. Look for lines "local DOSIMETER_VOLUME_UP_KEY = "DIK_ADD" and "local DOSIMETER_VOLUME_DOWN_KEY = "DIK_SUBTRACT"
* Custom maximal radiation zone power can be set by changing "local OVERRIDE_MAX_POWER_INCREASEMENT_BY_WIND = false" to "local OVERRIDE_MAX_POWER_INCREASEMENT_BY_WIND = true", then setting the value of "local MAX_POWER_INCREASEMENT_BY_WIND = 1.8". A value of 2.0 will yield a hardcore experience. Since damage in STALKER have an exponential behaviour, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to set it above the value 2.0!
* To turn off weather reports, set "local ENABLE_WEATHER_REPORTS = true" to "local ENABLE_WEATHER_REPORTS = false".
* To disable wind power warnings, set "local ENABLE_WIND_POWER_NOTIFICATI to "local ENABLE_WIND_POWER_NOTIFICATI />* To turn off the special +15% rad protection bonus for integrated suits, change "local ARSZI_INTEGRATED_SUIT_BONUS_ENABLED = true" to "local ARSZI_INTEGRATED_SUIT_BONUS_ENABLED = false".
* To disable spawning random radiation zones, set "ENABLE_DYNAMIC_RADIATION_Z to "ENABLE_DYNAMIC_RADIATION_Z The setting under it affect the interrior of NPP in the same manner. ONCE these zones are spawned in you game, you CAN NOT undo them by this setting!

Installation: unpack the gamedata folder into your Anomaly directory.

To use it with the other mods of mine, it does not require any specifig installation order.

New game is not a requirement, but recommended. New anomalies and all the black magic will happen, when you load the saved game of yours with this mod, and after saving your game, radiation zone changes will be PERMANENT! To uninstall the mod, delete all the files of this mod, BUT "gamedata/configs/zones/zone_field_radioactive.ltx". It will keep your saved games working, but dosimeter won't tick in case of some new radiation anomalies.

I allow my mod to be used in other mods, as long as I receive the nevessary credits.

More dynamic tasks 0.2 79.25kb

More dynamic tasks 0.2

22 May 2022

Added a few dozens of different "bring me some of . . ." tasks to random stalkers ONLY. Removed tasks for weapons and upgrades, nobody take them anyway, didn't remove anything else.

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