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[2.0.0] Body Health System Redux  

Upload: 19 Nov 2022, 12:42
Created by: Grokitach [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[2.0.0] Body Health System Redux

Updated Body Health System with proper damage attribution to limbs: if you take a left hand shot, then left arm will be damaged.


Everything is in this addon folder (gamedata), this is a standalone add-on (you don't need the old BHS).

Remove these files of the previous version before installation:

  • gamedata/scripts/player_injuries.script
  • gamedata/scripts/aa_player_injuries.script
  • gamedata/configs/items/items/items_medical.ltx
  • gamedata/configs/items/items/items_drugs.ltx


  • Grok's Masks: apply in this order - Grok's Mask > BHS > BHS Grok's Mask Patch
  • Nav's Masks: apply in this order - Nav's Mask > BHS > BHS Nav's Mask Patch
  • Respawn Mode: apply in this order - Respawn Mode > BHS > BHS Respawn Mode Patch
  • No quickslot items UI Patch: Full HUD without quickslots. Apply after BHS.
  • No quickslot + right ammo UI Patch: apply after BHS, brings back the "classic" BHS HUD (ammo on the right).
  • Text-Based HUD for VoDis and co: apply in game using MCM.
  • Square DOV HUD: it's just a newly made custom skin for Square DOV that will fit the BHS HUD theme.
  • Ammo Checker : apply after Ammo Checker.


This is an updated, corrected, and improved version of Favkis_Nexerade's Body Health System. Original addon page. I don't take credit for much of the work. I just added the cherry on the cake.

Now it finally registers damages to the correct limb. If you get hit in the head, then your head will loose some damage. It also takes fall damage into account. After some development, it now adds a lot of new functionalities over the base addon (thanks to xcvb work).

Controls and info:

  • Head - Head health, if it goes to zero, you die.
  • Torso - Torso health, if it goes to zero, you die.
  • Arms - There are two bars close to each other for each arm, if one of your arms goes to zero, you'll drop items you holding right now in your main slots, however you can still use knife/pistol, so, carry a pistol there. If both of your hands go to zero, you wont be able to use all 3 slots.
  • Legs - There are two bars, one for each leg. If one of your legs goes to zero, you wont be able to run (standard running, not sprint), so you'll have to move slowly or crouch-walk. If both of your legs go to zero, you'll be able only to prone or slow crouch walk.
  • To restore body part health points, sleep in bed or use medicine. One hour in bed restres 1 health point, so get yourself enough water and food if you want to heal this way. (You can also enable auto regeneration if you want.)

Healing items info:

Healing adds health points for limited amount of time (yellow), you need to take some post healing measures to convert temporary health points (yellow) into static health points (blue or white depending on HUD style), such as using bandages as fixation for injured muscles, or using tablets to ease work of nervous system.

HUD styles:

  • Redux Style

I made a new HUD which includes the psy bar. Compatible with Alternative Icons

  • EFT Style

Now includes also an EFT inspired skin, which has been removed from Moddb. I got it from the EFP modpack. I modified it and made it compatible with the ammo and quickslots customisable positions.

  • Anomaly Style

Available here as a standalone add-on

Items healing properties is now in items description:

  • Every healing items properties are displayed in the item description thanks to reter's Ultimate patch for BHS 

Reworked effects when limb HP are reduced, thanks to bcvx:

You can disable them in-game in the MCM menu.

  • Damaged arm/arms:
    • Adding weapon sway, power of sway depends on weapon's weight and how damaged your arms are. One heavily damaged arm will add stronger weapon sway than two semi-damaged arms.
  • Damaged leg/legs:
    • Movement speed reduction based on legs damage. Sprint with one broken leg will be same as regular running, sprint with two broken legs will be just slightly faster than walking.
    • Limping camera effects for each leg.
    • Health reduction while sprinting if any leg is below 2/5 HP. Running on one broken leg causes extreme pain and about 3% of your whole character life randomly. Two broken legs will cause 6% damage everytime time it triggers and will damage other limbs as well.
  • Damaged Head:
    • Concussion when you receive headshot.
    • Brief and strong initial visuals (power/duration depends on hit) and sound fade with tinnitus.
    • Rare and light visuals afterwards which decrease its power over time. There is some kind of regen, so it will go away even without medicines, just longer.
    • MCM threshold for amount of damage you must receive.
  • Damaged Torso:
    • Cap of main health depends on how damaged the torso is (down to 65% cap).


At the top of zzz_player_injuries.script file, there are some settings:

  • regen - time in milliseconds of auto regeneration, on example 30000 means each 30 seconds all body parts would get new health point. (0 by default)
  • damagescale - multiplier of damage dealt to body parts. 0.5 would make your body parts receive only 50% of damage, that does not changes default damage/health at all, only changes amount of damage dealt to body parts. (1.0 by default)
  • easyhealing - first aid restores blue health, disabled temporary healing mechanic. (false by default)
  • hide_if_healthy - hides all but condition status bar if all parts of body are at maximum health. (false by default)
  • show_player_name - show player name above condition bar. (true by default works only in text HUD)
  • healingitems - allows healing items, such as medkits to restore body parts health. (true by default)


This involved the work of many people. I want to thank them. I just added the cherry on the cake.
- Original author is Favkis_Nexerade :

- It has been updated by mora145 for 1.5.1 :

- I updated the reter's Ultimate patch for BHS :

- To update the Ultimate patch I used the update "No Drug Limit" by nb79 :

- xcvb added a lot of changes to limbs effects.

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