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Operatin Bagration  

Upload: 17 Aug 2022, 21:34
Created by: Overkill
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Name: Overkill
Mapname: Operatin Bagration
Größe: 364 x 364
SP or MP: Singleplayer
SP : SP Russia/Russland
MP: ----
map: Keine Infos / No info
Version: Keine Infos / No info
Szenario: Sommer/Summer
Kampfart: taktisch/tactical
Mod: RWM 6.8 (SS 2)

Operation Bagration Eastern Front June 22 - 27, 1944 Sector Vitebsk During Operation Bagration, you were tasked with capturing the city of Vitebsk on the Danube with your 39th Army! Opposite IX. German army corps. The Germans will certainly try to avoid encirclement and save the city! Our Enlightenment reports that the enemy builds his positions less in the city itself, but in its own midst! Commands follow!

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[6.8] AVESNES 1940 V1.02

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Assault on Avesnes Beta 0.92 After Rommel's unexpected breakthrough with his 7th Armored Division over the northern extension of the Maginot Line, he pushed as far as he could.

Operation Epson 293.86 KB

Operation Epson

17 Aug 2022

Operation Epsom Normandy June 25, 1944 The goal of this operation is to secure the areas west of the city of Caen and conquer the strategically important Hill 112. Hold your starting position and establish a bridgehead over the Odon!

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