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Harry Potter Gamepack (Snowiii95 Mod) 262 KB

Harry Potter Gamepack (Snowiii95 Mod)

28 Apr 2022
1 506

This mod pack includes: 7 character traits, 5 Aspirations (for each of the Houses and for the Quidditch Team Seeker), and 7 careers of school professors (herbology, potions, spells, astronomy, muggle studies, transfiguration and school quidditch coach) in the Harry Potter universe.

Harry Potter Character Pack + CC 528 MB

Harry Potter Character Pack + CC

30 Mar 2022
6 988

The Harry Potter universe is full of amazing characters that we've been introduced to over the course of these eight films. Therefore, we provide you with a selection of ready-made characters from Harry Potter. The author of these wonderful creations is Kamiiri.