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Dark Mode UI for The Sims 4 (November 8, 2023)  

Upload: 15 Dec 2022, 21:38
Last updated: 25-11-2023, 10:31
Created by: Dskecht [X]
Uploaded by: PLGDante
Dark Mode UI for The Sims 4 (November 8, 2023)

Hi Simmers, I'm bringing you a mod that will give The Sims 4 a dark mode.
As always I am open to opinions, comments, both here and on Twitter or on my Patreon. do not be afraid to express yourself if you have suggestions or doubts you can tell me with great confidence, I want to improve this mod.


bug reports.

Darkmode UI.

  • Changes: 4.6.57.

    + Fixed an error that would block the game.

    + File names are already in English.

    + The patch for the UI Cheats Extension mod is optional. (will overwrite existing DarkMode files)

    Please delete the Dark Mode folder before installing the update.

You can only install one version.


Modular: It is aimed at players who like to customize their games to the smallest detail, or moders who have a problem with this mod and want to know where the problem comes from.
This version is divided into folders and each element is independent of the others, therefore this version can be modified by deleting files or adding complements.
Unified: This version combines all the files into one, except for the patches and the loading screen, so that they can be deleted by the user if they wish.

In both versions you can remove the loading screen to be able to install the one you like best.

both versions already come with the necessary patches for the mods with which they may conflict. If you don't need those patches, please remove those items because it can cause problems in games.

Dark Mode UI 7.12.154 [Modular].zip
Dark Mode UI 7.12.155 [Unified].zip

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