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Bobahloo Animations Patreon (29.05.2024) 

Upload: 19 Mar 2022, 07:35
Last updated: 3-06-2024, 18:21
Created by: bobahloo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 3-06-2024, 18:21 » [Aqxaro]

Bondage/BDSM Roleplay Animations by bobahloo

Bondage Pack

This pack focuses on Damsel type bondage/restraint and bound sex machine animations.  While the majority of the animations are solo, there are some that have multiple sims waiting in "peril". Either way, they are tied, horny and waiting for attention.?

These animations are not random enabled, since I have them set to loop endlessly with both player and NPC sims. 

Depending on your WW settings, the NPC's may not respect the endless loop.

BDSM Roleplay Pack   

This Pack focuses on BDSM sex and roleplay. Continuing the scenario's started from the other pack, or creating entirely new situations. Allowing you to tie your subject, or be tied and waiting, then jump in there and play.

These animations are random enabled and will play out a normal run time.

You'll need to download my CC BDSM furniture as well as some other objects/props for some animations to play as intended.


Asketos objects   

Ozzzy objects

Hyperdrivers objects  (BDSM Ropes are the only object needed, any other item in this zip that you may find "offensive" can be and should be removed manually)

bobahloo objects   

A.Trois ankle ropes

Whipping Frame by Kodenu

Resized Sex Toys by wild-guy

Un-Electric Chair by Necrodog

YrSa BDSM Devices

SalarmoJ's Objects

Kritical Naughty Collection  

azmodan22 Bondage Devices

Dailiaa Vampire Illuminated Below Blood Cabinet

Dailiaa  Vampire Blood Affirmation Shelf

Kodenu BDSM Toys Pack

Zoraks Workshop

llazyneiph Open Casket   Recolors (optional) HERE

CherryPie CumMesh V2

Syboubou Daguerre - Reica Camera

SIMcredible  Vogue wine bottle 2

Kardofe  May_5th lunch_Beer bottle 2

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  1. A
    Adele [Guests]
    18 November 2023 18:28

    Could you please upload the latest patreon update?

  2. E
    Exterminator Zed [Guests]
    31 May 2023 20:23

    Aqxaro, thank you for the upload. if bobahloo is around kindly ask them to include MFF (plowed vaginally while performing cunnilingus), FMF (F kissing on top while riding cowgirl M and getting licked F), FFMF (F taking turns catching creampies, scissoring, tribadism full-depth with a double dildo F, receiving fellatio M from 3rd F watching to harden up again.)  FFFFFFFFFFM (all F posted up in a neat line fingering themselves and kissing meanwhile plowing each and everyone one doggy style vaginally and finishing inside.) Heck even some all girl threesome scenes where no-parts/strap-on are not use aka daisy chain pussy eating.

    All this bsdm shit is dumb to be honest. no rational individual in the heart of winter EVER says to themselves they want a frozen popscicle shoved up their ass. Same goes for bdsm play. If it isn't for play and is for stimulating fear it is a sickness in their heads making them fixated on it to the point they pay money and install furniture for that express purpose. I dare any of those people to go fight a wild hungry dog because they really have life too good to seek that kind of "rush".

  3. A
    Aris [Guests]
    25 March 2023 17:12

    Why do you keep updating only sex animations??? We need other animations too...talking, walking...ALL that you update is for wicked whims. UPdate the ones from Luka, Steven Studios...there are a lot of great animations and you keep uploading SEX, cmonnn

    1. M
      Magical N_Word [Guests]
      31 May 2023 20:02

      Listen here numb nuts. I am GRATEFUL of this update. At the VERY LEAST it is well balanced and doesn't not present as Heterophobic UNLIKE the animators that are fixated on GHEY ANAL SEX... Personally I want MORE SEX animations specifically FMF the entire thing of "oh all the sims are actually B" is pure EA corporate propaganda and garbage.

      walking and talking? MuthaPhuka.. there are LITTERALLY 1000's of Safe For Work sites containing custom content (cc) STFU punk ass fissy hem boi!