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It Came From Sixam! - Simblreen Gift 2021  

Upload: 18 Sep 2022, 15:58
Created by: Surely-Sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
It Came From Sixam! - Simblreen Gift 2021

This Set Includes 8 Items:

1. Space Jumpsuit for Adult Male Frames - 10 swatches
2. Space Dress for Adult Female Frames - 10 swatches
3. Space Helmet - 11 swatches
4. Female Boots - 15 swatches
5. Gloves - 16 swatches
6. A Blaster Prop for your Simmies - 8 swatches
7. A 60s Pulp-tastic Pose Set for the Blaster! - 4 Single Poses, 2 Couples Poses
8. A In Game Movie Poster of the Above Render (in Simlish too!) - 8 swatches
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