Seafood Pastilla
Required L.1 of homestyle skill
Optional ingredients - ANY fish, ANY flour
3 sizes - 8, 4, or 1 serving
The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
Required L.1 of homestyle skill
Optional ingredients - ANY fish, ANY flour
3 sizes - 8, 4, or 1 serving
Added a new recipe - Honey Toast. This is a popular Korean dessert and an easy and quick way to get fat! Honey and butter will turn an ordinary piece of bread into the most delicate dessert. It's easy to make and incredibly delicious. It's impossible to get away from him!
Minestrone requires level 5 of parenting skill and cures your Sims from illness or pimples. Required: Dine Out and Parenthood.
Spicy instant noodles that need to be boiled!" That's what it says on the package of this ramen. Every Korean has tried it at least once in their life, now you can cook it in your kitchen too! Don't forget to add a raw egg on top and you won't regret it!
This pack is dedicated to a delicious breakfast. Bon Appetit! To find it in the game, enter "Breakfast" in the search bar in the shopping mode.