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Hogwarts by Giuliabuilds  

Upload: 03 Jul 2023, 22:40
Created by: giuliabuilds [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Hogwarts by Giuliabuilds

After so much anticipation, it’s finally here: my HOGWARTS build from the Harry Potter movies/books, made with no CC!
It’s built on a 64x64 lot in Windemburg, on the island and it has dorms for every Hogwarts house (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) with their relative common rooms, the iconic Great Hall, Dumbledore’s office, the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom, Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom with the Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid’s Hut and many more little details :)
I’ve used no CC gallery art by: by: JadeNchanted, Vandaxy1998, Jarsan81, Alexiusreijer, KAPELBERG54.

Otaku Hideaway

Otaku Hideaway

04 Jul 2022

Otaku is another Japanese term known in many parts of the world. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the word is used in relation to fans of anime and manga.

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