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Willow Creek: The Slums  

Upload: 18 Apr 2022, 07:45
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Willow Creek: The Slums

Lot Size: 50x50
Lot Type: Residential
Location: Willow Creek


The start of a legend! This build was originally built to replace the Center park on San Myshuno, it was the first build I ever did with the hidden objects and where I got the idea for the high train. With this one in particular I wanted to do a sort of clash of classes, with a very nice modern train station built next to a favela-like shanty town. Once Liberty Avenue was built I felt this would be much better placed in Willow Creek, marking the start of the high train. So I ask you use your imagination a bit and connect the train from the Slums to the Parkview School to Liberty Avenue! 

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