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Willow Creek - The Old Train Station  

Upload: 18 Apr 2022, 07:50
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Willow Creek - The Old Train Station

Lot Size: 40x30
Lot Type: Residential
Location: Willow Creek - Pendula View


When the old train tracks were taken down it was decided to keep the old grand terminal, as well as the subway below even if there were no more trains. But soon it fell to disrepair and disregard. The Old Train Terminal is a failure of urban renewal. 

I use this lot as Residential and moved in a group of hobos, taking away all their money. On this lot there are no kitchens, microwaves or anything to really cook. There's a tiny portable fridge and a fire to make sausages. The challenge here is to survive without money for as long as possible! 

09/19/20: UPDATE!

I moved this lot to Willow Creek for several reasons. Mostly because I want to finish rebuilding this world (expect a focus on this one soon and an update on The Night District ) but also because I always felt kinda sad the train tracks where so short. So I placed it in a 40x30 and it just flowed from there. The only changes I made from the previous one was extending the tracks on top. Everything else is still the same! 

Recommended Mods for this lot: 

  • Auto Employees - LittleMsSam (busker outside, maybe dj and bartender on the sewers)
Small Venice

Small Venice

02 Jul 2022

Little Venice is a place of entertainment for many Sims. There are four pubs serving great drinks, discos - including one in the city sewers. There is also a gym, a library with access to computers, a place for chess players.

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