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Madison's House Party (Beta Sims 4 Version) 0.1.0  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 10:04
Created by: MrBASins [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Madison's House Party (Beta Sims 4 Version) 0.1.0

This is Madison's House from House Party, the Sims 4 Version. That is 100% Free to download

- This still works for the latest pack Cottage Living

Lot Size: 30x20,
Lot Floors: 2 (No Basement),
Rooms/Beds: 3,
Washroom: 2,
File Size: 200.57KB,
Cost: $155.691 (Furnished)

Lot Backstory/Description:

The lot was created using the same "Blueprint of Madisons House Party Lot" form the very first release. the lot is not 100% the same as I have added my own twist when creating it for the sims 4, just as a warning I hope you enjoy the download. 

NOTICE: Place all of the files/folders in the restructured folder.

Downloading info: 

This download is virus-free and has no additional mesh or content is needed as it already has the additional custom content to function probably.


Unzip the compressed folder and cut and paste or overwrite, all it's content (folder(s), pack(s) and the config.ini) inside your The Sims 4 "Mods" root folder. (C:\Users\"Name"\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods)

NOTE: The "Name" is your computer's user-name. In addition place all of the files/folders in the new restructured folder in the right places. I Don't use the basic structure so my content is organized and easy to assess. 

Also keep in mind that when I created this with all Stuff/Expansions (including Eco-Lifestyle) and patches, installed.   


You'll need some custom content that is created for this lot that is NOT included with this download that is required. However it will still work without the custom content if youy wish not to support me or where I host creations on my website at SimsAlley.CC

The Dollmaker's house

The Dollmaker's house

05 Nov 2022
1 166

De Windt was a famous doll maker in the 20th century and had this house built from his wealth. Passing the business to his son, the new age of technology was difficult for the De Windt’s to compete with.

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