Room 3 in one (NO CC)
codes I use:
▪ TestingCheats true
▪ bb.moveobjects on
▪ bb.showhiddenobjects
▪ bb.showliveeditobjects
Before placing the house, use the code : bb.moveobjects on
The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
codes I use:
▪ TestingCheats true
▪ bb.moveobjects on
▪ bb.showhiddenobjects
▪ bb.showliveeditobjects
Before placing the house, use the code : bb.moveobjects on
Unfurnished, feel free to furnish it yourself though, I would love to see it! Remember to turn on bb.moveobjects before placing. No cc.
Made by request. A cabin for two Sims: one a comedian with a love of film and programming, who enjoys collecting frogs and dreams of some day starting a family; the second his roommate, a doctor, who enjoys the finer things in life although he can little afford them.
You can watch how I built it in my youtube channel.