Equine/Horse Penis For Furry And Anthro Sims
Now A penis for your Equine Sims well, the hung ones anyway..
What's Included
- This Is the XXL size for the horse penis
- 7 swatches for Penis Colors
- Flaccid Penis
- Maxis Match Textures
To do for the Equine penis
- more Swatches for the peen for thoese who like odd colours
- 4 more sizes XL, Normal, Small, XS
To Do overall?
- Feline, avian, and Lizzard Penis
- Multi Nips For Woman
- (maybe) Species Correct Vaginas?
- New Legs For K9 Avian And Hooved Furrys
SoraFoxyTeils Or Savestate's Legs
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