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T1me's Virginity trait 1.0.0  

Upload: 14 Apr 2022, 07:57
Last updated: 14-05-2022, 06:43
Created by: kit1858644 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Español translation added - 14-05-2022, 06:43 » [Aqxaro]
T1me's Virginity trait 1.0.0

This is a simple trait mod.

1. This mod adds the virginity of sim (default all the sims will be virgin).

2. After sex interaction (WickedWims) sims will be losing their virginity and get Grew up trait.

3. sims can ask other sims is or not virgin.

Yes, that simple.

Compatibility & Requirements

1. WickedWhims  (for sex interaction detect)


Chinese (me)

- Download Español

Black The Sims 1.0.0 60.58 MB

Black The Sims 1.0.0 NSFW

24 Jul 2022
3 445

This is my first go at releasing mods, but I've made quite a few in the past. I've always wanted more of this subgenera in the sims community so I decided to bite the bullet and release what I've already made.

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