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HONEY | Eira Nipple Piercing Remake 

Upload: 30 Apr 2024, 17:07
Created by: SM Sims
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
HONEY | Eira Nipple Piercing Remake

A remake of an early nipple piercing, updated for EveV9.

Mesh: all LODs, 100% new  
Textures: 100% new, HQ enabled
Poly: 11k

Model Credits:
Skin: NothernSiberiaWinds
Hair: GreenteaHoney

Female Body Hair 12 MB Exclusive

Female Body Hair NSFW

18 Dec 2023
6 893

The body hair includes five pubic hair styles, three arm hair styles and three leg hair styles. The arm and leg hair match the male options, both for continuity and equality, but have been adjusted to fit the UV layout of a female sim's body.

Male body 6V 20 MB

Male body 6V NSFW

01 Apr 2022
4 459

Default and non-default body + additional colors of nails. Only male option. Blend files are allowed to be used when creating content when indicating the author. Works with the main game and the body selector. There are no textures on the upper body, you will have to use skins.

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