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Set Sexuality  

Upload: 23 Apr 2022, 07:28
Created by: YourFalseHope [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Set Sexuality

Despite the fact that in the world of The Sims 4, all residents are by definition pansexual, sometimes you want to add your preferences for each specific character. With this minimalistic mod, you can easily choose any of the three main sexual orientations for your character: heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. The selected orientation can be reset or changed at any time.

What You Get:

  • Homosexual - A Sim that is Homosexual is a Sim who is sexually attracted to Sims of the same sex or gender. This will also set the Sims Gender Preference Appropriately interested in Male or Female.
  • Heterosexual - A Sim that is Heterosexual is a Sim who is sexually attracted to Sims of the opposite sex or gender. This will also set the Sims Gender Preference Appropriately interested in Male or Female.
  • Bisexual - A Sim that is Bisexual is a Sim who is sexually attracted to Sims of both sex or gender. This will also set the Sims Gender Preference Appropriately interested in Male and Female.
  • Locked Gender Preference: Gender Preference Will not be swayed by Romantic Interactions. You will need to Set a Sexuality Preference to change or set the Sim's Gender Preference. You are also free to leave Sims Preference as they are. They will not change from Flirting with or without the traits.
  • Ask About Sexuality (Non-Autonomous) - Any Sim with any of the Traits from this Mod can be asked about their Sexuality. Like Ask Gender Preference, this can backfire. However, if successful you will receive a Notification with their Answer. 

Requires the XML Injector

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22 Apr 2022
5 668

7 new animations from the creator Golden88. To perform animations, you must first download the WickedWhims mod and then download the animation pack.

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21 May 2022
6 303

New sim download: Valeria. Required: The Sims 4 & WickedWhims. DL include: Tray files and CCs total of 8 looks.

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