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Set Sexuality - Reward Traits  

Upload: 23 Apr 2022, 07:30
Created by: YourFalseHope [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Set Sexuality - Reward Traits

In the original game, orientation is a strange thing, it seems to be there, but it seems to be not. Well, this mod will add certainty! This is a small collection of Traits that can be purchased from the Reward Store. The "Sexuality Traits" file contains traits related to sexual attraction and gender identity: homosexuality (separately for gays and lesbians), bisexuality, heterosexuality, pansexuality, demisexuality, asexuality, as well as non-binary and transgender. Well, the "Romantic Traits" file defines romantic attraction: homoromantic, biromantic, heteroromantic, panromantic, demiromantic, aromamantic, and grayromantic. Happy pride month to you and your characters!

What You Get:

  • 9 Gender & Sexual Preference Reward Traits:  Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Straight, Nonbinary, Demisexual, Asexual, Transgender, Genderfluid, Genderqueer & Pansexual.
  • 7 Romantic Orientation Reward Traits: Aromantic, Heteroromantic, Homoromantic, Biromantic, Panromantic, Demiromantic & Greyromantic.
  • Straight Ally Reward Trait

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