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Vanilla Unicorn - Adult Club 2.1  

Upload: 27 Apr 2022, 18:55
Created by: MECHANIC [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Vanilla Unicorn - Adult Club 2.1

This mod adds Vanilla Unicorn Club Lot to the game. Vanilla Unicorn is a strip club featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. Mod is just an approximate reproduction of building. Design is as close as possible to the original. Non-standart corners and unknown gaps between the walls forced to create some empty rooms for the best appearance.

 Lot Size: 40 x 30.

♦ Price: 182 590 simoleons.

Lot can be used as a simple club or a fully functioned WickedWhims StripClub.

Guide How to create WickedWhims StripClub.

WickedWhims is not included. Link.

IMPORTANT! To upgrade from version 1.0 to 2.0, you must remove installed Vanilla Unicorn 1.0 CC to avoid conflicts with updated objects.

There are some instructions on how to use this lot for the best effect.

Before placing club in the game, make sure that cheat codes testingscheats true & bb.moveobjects is entered.

After that, it's necessary to isolate some area from clients. In the floorplan there are doors that need to be closed or opened.

For better filtering of visitors, you can use the LittleMsSam GenderAndMoreLotTraits mod, which allows you to prohibit visiting the club by certain ages. Just click on entrance door. Mod is included.

After all of that, you can hire employees from the WickedWhims StripClub menu, give them tasks and take on the role of Vanilla Unicorn Strip Club Boss.



10 May 2022
5 026

100% new mesh and textures all LODS 18 swatches for cover (found in left ring finger category) 7 swatches for Bikini (found in top & bottom categories) HQ compatible made with WW native body

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