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SUGAR | Distressed Days Collection - Ripped Bodysuit  

Upload: 15 Apr 2024, 19:22
Created by: SM Sims
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
SUGAR | Distressed Days Collection - Ripped Bodysuit

Note: This is high poly. The reasoning is that it is an alpha mesh, and for some reason alpha meshes don't support normal maps in TS4. So to achieve extra detail, I had to build lumps and bumps into the actual mesh which raised the poly count. Hopefully you still like it! Rips look best when using HIGHEST sim detail or HD mod.

Mesh: all LODs, 100% new  
Textures: 100% new, HQ enabled

Model Credits:
Skin & Makeup: NorthernSiberiaWinds, Sims3Melancholic, Obscurus
Hair: Leahlilith



16 Jan 2024
2 889

✧New mesh/ textures ✧33 swatches /top/bottom /find them separated! ✧all lods ✧Compatible with HQ mod

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