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Family and Youth Activities  

Upload: 10 Apr 2022, 15:08
Last updated: 19-03-2023, 07:37
Created by: adeepindigo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Family and Youth Activities

This wonderful mod will add many types of outdoor activities to your game, there is a large selection of activities for each age category! For example, visiting a pumpkin field, an aquarium, a zoo and a water park; a family outing to nature or the beach, fun at the fair and arcade, and lots of educational activities such as a study group for school students, music lessons, martial arts, programming, gymnastics and much, much more! Toddlers, children, teenagers and young people will all find something to their liking. Sometimes we all just need Sims to leave the lot, work on skills, and satisfy their need for leisure while we focus on other family members. This is fine! All activities take place in the rabbit hole. They are available both in the phone menu in the "Travel" section, and on the computer in the "Family" section. They last from 45 minutes to 5 hours, and all of them give the Sims bright emotions and new moodlets, and some give additional surprises in your Sim's inventory (for example, a new toy, a carved lantern pumpkin, or some work of art). And since we live in a world of victorious capitalism, all occupations have their price.

Family and Youth Activities

Toddler Activities

These activities are limited to toddlers and YA and older. Toddlers only are allowed for preschool (they must be sent alone).

Children and Teens/ Youth Activities

These activities are limited to teens and children, though it doesn’t have to be sims within the household.

Teen Activities

These activities are limited to teens only, but can be with sims outside the household.

*(strongly encouraged to use Basemental’s mod to work properly as there’s a chance you teen could smoke or take drugs or drink but it’s not strictly required as other aspects will work without it)

**This menu appears smaller but will actually be filled out with my school related addons for this mod. Coming soon!

Family Activities

These activities are limited to sims within your household. NOTE: The seasonal activities are only available in the appropriate season. They are selectable in the menu but won’t actually push your sims to the activity unless it’s the correct season.

Pumpkin Patch (Seasonal: Fall)

Orchard  Pumpkin Patch (Seasonal: Fall)

Water Park (Seasonal: Spring and Summer)

Camping (Seasonal: All except Winter)

Beach (Seasonal: Summer)

Carnival (Seasonal: All except Winter)

Winterfest Market (Seasonal: Winter)

***Please note that if anyone left behind in the household leaves the lot or the player exits out of the game or goes to CAS, the activity will abruptly end. This is a function of the game.***

Mod Requirements: REQUIRES the Shared Library script and General Pie menus

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2 772

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