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Children/Toddlers Can Die of Anything (20.03.2024)  

Upload: 11 Apr 2022, 11:03
Last updated: 26-03-2024, 15:16
Created by: MizoreYukii, Scarlet [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Children/Toddlers Can Die of Anything (20.03.2024)

This mod enables the ability for toddlers and children to die of anything that teens-adults can. No dying of old age for obvious reasons!  Also includes Emotional Deaths for Teens.

  • NOTE - If you have the mod “No Emotional Deaths Altogether” then that will make it so the children (and every other age) will not die from the mood buffs. For example: The “Hysterical” moodlet will not create a death for the child sim with the No Emotional Deaths mod!
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