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Pregnancy Side Effects v2.93  

Upload: 28 Jun 2023, 10:33
Created by: Lumpinou [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Pregnancy Side Effects v2.93

An add-on that brings mood swings, cravings and back pain to Sim’s pregnancies, among other little things!

Pregnant Sims will occasionally get mood swings, cravings, and back pain. When this happens, new interactions unlock (Complain about back pain – partners can ‘Offer massage for Pregnancy Back Pain‘ -, Apologize for CrankinessComplain about mood swingsAsk for Craved FoodGo get craved Food). The ‘mood swing’ moodlets increase the intensity of sad and angry moodlets overall. NOTE: This can be turned off for individual SIms, under ‘Actions’ then ‘WooHoo Wellness Mod’


- remove everything from previous versions, EXCEPT the setting file if updating from v2.9. (if updating from v2.8, ALSO delete the settings file.)

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it;

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)

Plan Career Outfit

Plan Career Outfit

07 Jul 2022
1 168

This mod will add a new career outfit interaction plan to all mirrors, chests of drawers and collection cabinets. It will also be added to any other object that already has the Change Sim interaction, so this means it will automatically work for custom content creation as well.

ReFeRenCeSS Modifier 124.1 KB

ReFeRenCeSS Modifier

11 Jul 2022

Are you tired of pumping a character for a long time? Or, on the contrary, do you want to prolong the pleasure by teaching him a specific skill? Or maybe you want your character to quickly build relationships and get married? Then this mod will definitely come in handy for you!

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