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[BUGFIX][GoT] Losing Tooth Visual Glitch Fix  

Upload: 19 Mar 2023, 08:35
Last updated: 22-03-2023, 18:35
Created by: thunder1143 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[BUGFIX][GoT] Losing Tooth Visual Glitch Fix

Requires the XML Injector

This mod should only be installed if you have the Growing Together Expansion Pack!!

This mod prevents a rather unpleasant visual bug that happens when a child sim ages up to a Teen while they buffs related to losing a tooth (which is a feature from the new Growing Together Expansion Pack).

Important Note - Please Read:
This fix is not 100% retroactive - if you have a sim which got a bugged appearance from this issue before installing it , you will still need to edit them in CAS and put them back to how you want them to look (or roll back the save to a point before you got this bug). This mod will simply prevent them going back into the bugged state, and prevents any future sims from getting the issue. This is of course assuming that no other buffs can be incorrectly applied to the wrong age groups to cause issues like this - if any crop up, I will update the mod to include them.

Bonehilda's Alive - 1.1.1 368 KB

Bonehilda's Alive - 1.1.1

12 Jun 2022
1 013

For Halloween this year I wanted to do something special. I have finally been able to complete the "Bonehilda's Alive" mod! Where you can have your very own live-in NPC Bonehilda to tend to your household needs.

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