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Soup Of The Day  

Upload: 28 Jun 2023, 11:33
Created by: Balkanika [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Soup Of The Day

Sooo ... originaly I planned to make a few soups and to add them to the Keto Cookbook, however I ended up making 25 different types of soups, so it only made sence to create a custom pot for their preparation!

You can find Soup Of The Day pot in 'Small Appliances', it costs 300$, and it comes in 5 different recolors.

I adivce you to place it on countertop.

When you press on the pot you'll see 2 options - Your Sim can make a single bowl, or a pot with Soup.

Increasing your Sim's cooking skill will unlock more recipes.

When you Sim make a pot, they will place it on a surface (the soup doesn't spoil!), you will see first interaction ' Spice Up', once it's performed, then you'll see interaction to grab a bowl, which will place directly a bowl of soup, in your Sim's inventory.

You Sim can grab up to 6-7 bowls, then you need to clean up the pot!

Soup's specifics

- Single serving and a pot serving (containing up to 6-7 bowls)

- Tagged as healthy food

- Warms up sim

Optional Ingredients:

EA harvestables

My asparagus

icemunmun's veggies

Leniad's beetroot

BrazenLotus' sweet mint

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